Whisky is a passion to explore. From the history of the spirit to the evolution of the industry, the story of whisky helps fuel that passion. Often, it’s easy to forget that whisky is also a global multibillion dollar industry. The stories of whisky — from news and new releases to in-depth inquires and what goes on behind the label — blend together to help us appreciate the spirit of whisky.

Interview & Review: Michael Dietsch’s “Whiskey: A Spirited Story”
May 20, 2016 – It’s hard to write a book about whisky. Make it too elementary so newcomers will understand, and longtime whisky connoisseurs will roll their eyes. Make it too detailed, and the longtime whisky lovers will love it, but you’ll intimidate the newcomers and continue the perception that whisky is too difficult to comprehend. That’s the challenge Michael Dietsch has balanced successfully in his second drinks book “Whiskey: A Spirited Story With 75 Classic & Original Cocktails.” Dietsch covers not only the history of the various types of whisky, but looks at the history of cocktails from Revolutionary War times to the present day, and does it with a lighthearted style that will keep both groups of potential readers engaged.
“There aren’t very many books out there for people who are brand new to the category and don’t know much about whiskey already,” Dietsch said in a telephone interview. “That’s what I wanted to aim the book for…the whiskey category is growing so fast now, as you know, that clearly there are a lot of new consumers coming on board and a book that’s a deep dive into Scotch isn’t necessarily the right thing for them.” Dietsch balances the need to bring those potential future connoisseurs up to speed while providing the right amount of historical context and depth that longtime connoisseurs expect.
Listen to Mark Gillespie’s interview with Michael Dietsch:
The book features (as might be gathered from the title) 75 recipes for whisky cocktails, starting with the Cherry Bounce that Martha Washington prepared for George Washington’s journeys between the Revolutionary War and becoming the first President of the United States. Award-winning Vancouver mixologist Lauren Mote contributes her recipe for The Acadien, a cocktail that combines Western Canada’s legendary Rye whisky with Eastern Canada’s maple syrup liqueur to, as Dietsch puts it, tell “the history of Canada through a cocktail.”
There’s also a nod to the original recipe for the Mint Julep – without the crushed ice, and while the modern Mint Julep is the official cocktail of the Kentucky Derby, this weekend’s Preakness at Baltimore’s Pimlico had its own bespoke cocktail for many years. The Preakness is a Rye-based cocktail inspired originally by the popularity of locally-distilled Ryes in the Baltimore area, but was eventually replaced by the Black-Eyed Susan as the official cocktail of the Preakness. Perhaps with the resumption of Rye Whiskey distilling at several local distilleries, The Preakness might once again find its way into favor with the Maryland Jockey Club, which operates Pimlico.
In short, “Whiskey: A Spirited Story With 75 Classic & Original Cocktails” comes highly recommended as not only a guide to whisky’s origins and differences, but old and new ways to enjoy the water of life. The photography by Dietsch and his wife, Jennifer Hess, is outstanding as well. By the way, don’t miss Dietsch’s explanation of the differences between “whisky” and “whiskey” in the beginning…don’t want to spoil it for you.
Editor’s note: This article has a link to purchase the book in the WhiskyCast Bookstore powered by CaskStrength Media receives a small commission on all sales.
Links: “Whiskey: A Spirited Story With 75 Classic & Original Cocktails”